Curriculum Intent

The Belgrave Curriculum: a curriculum for the 21st Century

‘Thinking about the future is risky business. Past experience tell us that today’s young children will graduate high school and most likely face problems that do not yet exist.’

                                                (Cuoco et al)


At Belgrave Primary School, we aim to provide all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum; a curriculum that adds rigour and challenge.  Each year group follows a topic based curriculum where subjects are primarily based around the topic as much as possible.  Each topic provides varied learning opportunities including: art, music, PE, DT, History and Geography.  Maths, English, Science and RE are mainly taught explicitly because of the specific objectives but pupils see the connections and use the concepts integral to these subjects across all of the foundation subjects. We use specialist teachers for MFL (Mandarin at Belgrave) and PE, both which are taught discreetly.

By following on Class and Whole School Dojo, parents can see photographs of the many rich and varied curriculum enrichment opportunities offered at Belgrave (visits to museums, external visitors to school, after school clubs, Forest Schools, Enterprise projects, STEM and themed weeks and much, more.  From Year 3 to Year 6 we also offer residential visits.  The residential visit programme includes trips to Delamere, Tattenhall, Conway and London with experiences ranging from outdoor activities to the London Eye and show in the West End. 

Here at Belgrave we are committed to providing:

  • An inclusive, child-centred curriculum that challenges learners of all abilities and needs;
  • A curriculum that will teach our children the skills and ‘habits of mind’ that equip them for life in the future.
  • A curriculum that is a balance of direct and indirect content (direct: subject and knowledge we teach, indirect: life skills and habits of mind)
  • A curriculum that is creative, inspiring and FUN!

All pupils are within classes accessing the curriculum tailored to their needs. Individual pupils may work outside the classroom with a supporting adult or group to assist their learning.

As well as focussing on the discrete subjects as outlined in the National Curriculum, we feel that it is vital that the children see their education as developing five key life skills.

Key Life Skills:

  • Team work
  • Communication
  • Problem solving
  • Managing time and money
  • Decision making

These will be referred to throughout the year and displayed in KS2 classrooms. Children will be encouraged to reflect on how they have used these in different lessons and key activities/ challenge days will focus on them more explicitly. They will be introduced gradually throughout EYFS and KS1 and then built on during KS2.


Belgrave Primary School, Five Ashes Road, Westminster Park, Chester CH4 7QS

Tel: 01244 421332 | Email:

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