Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Redmond

Miss Chambers


"Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I'll remember. Involve me, I'll understand."


Welcome to Year 2

Year 2 is an important year for consolidating all that the children have learnt and experienced in Key Stage 1 and also preparing them for the transition to Key Stage 2.  

In Year 2 we like to encourage the children to become more independent. We ask that grown-ups say good-bye to their children on the playground and allow the children to come in on their own. This also helps prevent conjestion in the corridor at such a busy time in the morning. On arrival, the children will have an activity on the board for them to work on before the register. This is also a good time for them to swap their choosing book.

We have three characteristics or 'Bee-Mores' that we encourage:

                                                                      Creative       Independent       Resilient 

For Your Information

Please check out the curriculum overview for Year 2, on the website, to find out what your child will be learning about over the year. Don't forget to keep an eye on our Class Dojo for important messages and a peek at what we are getting up to inside the classroom!!



Children will bring home a Monster Phonics guided reading book and a reading for pleasure book each week. This book will come home on a Friday and will need to be returned on a Monday.  Reading for pleasure books can be changed at any time. You may need to prompt you child to do this.
When listening to your child read please can you focus on their comprehension of the book. You could talk about the book before they start reading, stop half way to predict what might happen and recall what has happened, talk about characters, discuss what makes a good story and why and search for information.



The children will be using a cursive approach leading them smoothly in to joining. It would be helpful if this could also be supported at home. A copy of the letter formation will be given out as a reminder at the start of term.



P.E. sessions are on a Monday afternoon.

Please can we ask that all coats, clothing, PE kits and pumps are clearly labelled. As we may be doing outdoor PE sessions, it would be a good idea to include a dark pair of jogging bottoms or leggings, for colder days.



Files to Download

Year 2: News items

Snowy Day, by Miss Campbell

Children in Need, by Miss Campbell

Year 2: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 2: Gallery items

Multi Skills Festival, by Miss Campbell

Year 2: Calendar items

Year 2 visit to Lache Library, by Miss Campbell

Rec/KS1 Sports Day, by Miss Campbell

Belgrave Primary School, Five Ashes Road, Westminster Park, Chester CH4 7QS

Tel: 01244 421332 | Email:

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